Concerning the problems in the quality of criminal identification, criminal identification quality control standard should be set up to establish a quality control system. 针对刑事鉴定质量方面存在的问题,应确立刑事鉴定质量控制的标准,建立刑事鉴定质量控制体系。
The starting right of criminal identification is a right of producing proof in nature. 鉴定启动权本质上是举证权,而不是准司法权。
The play was adapter from Hideo Yokoyama novel of the same name, meaning male protagonist Kuraishi highly individual criminal identification expert. 本剧改编自横山秀夫的同名小说,主人公仓石义男是极有个性的刑事鉴定专家。
The criminal identification starting system has the judicial officer starting system and the party starting system. 刑事鉴定启动机制大体分为分为司法官启动制和当事人启动制。
Some shortcomings in the criminal identification system of our nation are as followed: no unified regulations on the criminal identification authority, staffs, equipment and qualification; 我国刑事鉴定制度存在以下不足:1、法律对刑事鉴定机构鉴定权的授予、人才条件、设备要求、资信程度无统一规定;
In chinese law practices the using of the evidence of criminal identification is still in out-of-order. 目前,我国的刑事辨认证据的运用尚处于无序、混乱的状态之中。
Chapter 1, brief commentary on the actuality of our criminal identification startup system. 完善我国刑事鉴定启动制度的构想等若干问题。
First part is the relevant basic theories of the procedure of criminal identification. 第一部分为刑事鉴定程序的相关基本理论。
Criminal identification that is regarded as a kind of important method and mean of finding out case fact, plays a more and more important role in the modern activity of proving of administration of justice. 刑事鉴定作为查明案件事实的一种重要方法和手段,在现代司法证明活动中起着越来越重要的作用。
As the first sector and the kernel of the criminal identification system, the criminal identification startup system determines the characters of the national criminal identification system. 刑事鉴定启动制度作为刑事鉴定程序的起始环节,是刑事鉴定制度的核心,决定了一国刑事鉴定制度的特征。
World criminal identification system has been separated from investigation system, procuratorial system and trial system stepwise during the last half century, and then goes upon the history stage with an image of unified value, abundant content and completed structure. 半个世纪以来,世界刑事鉴定制度从侦查制度、检察制度以及审判制度中逐步分离出来,并以价值统一、内容丰富、体系完整的制度形象登上了历史舞台。
As the core of criminal identification system, Criminal Identification start right plays an important role in criminal proceedings. 刑事鉴定启动权作为刑事鉴定制度的核心,在刑事诉讼中有着重要的地位。
Presently in our country, there exist problems of supervision deficiency and legislative oversight in the system of criminal identification, of which the perfection has become urgent. 目前我国刑事鉴定制度中存在着管理缺位和立法疏漏等问题,完善刑事鉴定制度是当务之急。
It is expected, from entity to procedures, to establish a favorable relationship mechanism for criminal identification and administrative determination in financial and securities crimes, thus enhancing the independence and authority of jurisdiction. 以期从实体到程序的角度来确立金融证券犯罪刑事认定与行政认定的良性关系机制,从而确立司法权的独立性与权威性。
Our country criminal identification rules of construction, should be to find a balance between fairness and efficiency, in finding a suitable point between theory and practice, fumble give to accord with our country national condition and the legal road with Chinese characteristics. 我国刑事辨认规则的构建,应当在公正与效率之间找到平衡点,在理论和实践之间找到切合点,摸索出一条符合我国国情并具有中国特色的法制道路。
Identification procedures of identification conclusion reasonable regulation in order to ensure objectivity system provides the security, and to identify transcripts scientific review to curb the occurrence of a trumped-up case provides a mechanism to guard against, they constitute a criminal identification system important content. 辨认程序的合理规制为保证辨认结论的客观性提供了制度上的保障,而辨认笔录的科学审查为遏制冤假错案的发生提供了机制上的防范,两者构成刑事辨认制度的重要内容。
In this paper, it launched four issues to criminal identification implementation of the start procedure, preparation, implementation and end. 本文对刑事辨认实施的启动程序、准备程序、实施程序和结束程序四个方面的问题展开了研究。
In this step it must cancel the identification decision rights of two organs of the public security, and establish a judicial review of criminal identification system. 在此步骤内必须取消公检两机关鉴定决定权,建立刑事鉴定司法审查制度。
This chapter mainly focuses on the comparisons and researches of the basic concepts of criminal identification. 本章重点对刑事辨认的基本概念进行了比较与研究。
For lagging behind and uncertainty of legislation, it leads to the total separation of administrative determination and criminal identification in judicial practices, thus stopping efficient and successful transition and linkage. 由于立法规定上的滞后性及不确定性,导致在司法实践中行政认定和刑事认定基本上是截然分开的,无法有效、顺畅的实现过渡和衔接。
It has great application in file management, system security, credit card verification, criminal identification, banking and customs control, human-computer interaction and other fields. 其在档案管理、系统安全、信用卡验证、刑事识别、银行和海关监控、人机交互等领域有着广阔的应用前景。
It can be said that the Two Schools with the same "material" or the "element" Construction of different criminal identification system and model. 可以说,两大法系用相同的材料或者说是元素构建出不同的识别犯罪的体系和模型。
Despite two major crime constitutes system provides two different criminal identification system. 尽管两大犯罪构成体系提供了两种不同的识别犯罪的体系。
Criminal identification is used more frequently in the criminal investigation, which has become convenient measures on investigating facts of cases. 刑事辨认是侦查实践中运用较为频繁的程序手段,一直被侦查部门视为调查案情的便捷途径。
Firstly, analyzing the legislation concept of criminal identification; secondly, clearing up the theoretical definitions of criminal identification given in academia completely; lastly; proposing the definition of criminal identification for this article based on investigating its features and on considering the related factors. 首先,分析了刑事辨认的立法概念;其次,全面梳理了学术界对刑事辨认概念的理论界定;最后,在考察刑事辨认性质的基础上,考虑相关因素,提出本文关于刑事辨认概念的界定。
The criminal identification opinion is one of the stipulated legal evidence types after the amendment of Chinese Criminal Procedure, which is laid down to solve the emerging special problems in the process of recognizing the case facts of criminal proceedings. 刑事鉴定意见是我国刑事诉讼法修订后所规定的法定证据种类的其中之一,用以解决刑事诉讼过程当中在认定案件事实时所出现的专门性问题。
Through careful analyses the disadvantages of identification procedure in our legislation and in judicial practice, explore the scheme of criminal identification in our existing system. 通过分析辨认程序在我国立法中的欠缺及在司法实践中存在的弊端,探求刑事辨认在我国现有制度框架下的完善方案。
As an important lawsuit activity, the criminal identification plays a significant role in discovering and investigating the facts of cases. Internationally, it has been confirmed in legislation or applied into judicial practices by many countries. 刑事辨认作为一项重要的诉讼活动,在发现和查明案件事实方面发挥着重要的作用,世界上的许多国家均在立法上对其予以确认或者在司法实践中予以运用。
Criminal identification as an investigation measure is frequented in China. 刑事辨认是我国侦查实践中运用频仍的一项侦查措施。
Accordingly, each country is now making their efforts to develop its positive values and to reduce, even to avoid its negative influences by engaging in researching into theories and in perfecting legislation of criminal identification. 因此,各国均通过对刑事辨认进行理论研究和立法完善,努力发挥刑事辨认的正面价值并尽量较少乃至避免刑事辨认的负面影响。